Achieving results like this is an incredible feeling!! BUT…Having before/after pictures used online and social media at OlsenFitness is not a requirement as it is in so many other coaching and diet companies.
At OlsenFitness the results are measured on way more than what clients body fat percentage is, although that’s obviously an important aspect. So many times I’ve had messages or conversations where someone has said “I’d love to join up but I just wouldn’t want before and after pictures put online” and that will never be the case at OlsenFitness.
The photos I use are often from where clients say it’s fine to use them as we’re looking at old photos. However sometimes we don’t even do that!
I encourage all clients to take photos at different stages, but always tell them that I don’t have to see them, that’s down to whether they’re comfortable for me to.
On the flip side a lot of people do like using before and after pictures and if it’s cool with them I’ll 100% celebrate their achievements!
But incase you were wondering, here’s other ways we measure success other than before/after photo progress…