Here’s a super effective method to help you achieve more, whilst not having to rely on motivation when you’re really not feeling it!!
You’ve had a hard day at work, a busy week, a stressful meeting, got stuck in traffic, whatever it may be, it’s made you think there’s nothing worse than heading to the gym right now.
One of the biggest barriers to progress is procrastination, and justifying excuses around it. Trust me the majority of people feel this more often than you think!! Most people just let another day slip by and blame their lack of will power. Here’s how you can avoid that…
Spend 4 minutes doing the do (I’ll explain in the next paragraph) and see how you feel from there. If you really don’t feel like it, you’ve given it a go and aim to get back on track asap.
But here’s the magic, 9 times out of 10 you’ll start and probably get into it, more so you’ll probably feel really good about it afterwards. Here’s and example of doing the do…
Getting Your Workouts Done - Spend 4 minutes getting your gym kit on, warming up, or getting in the car to go to the gym. Then decide if you’re going to continue or not.
You can basically use this method on anything you’re putting off, avoiding or procrastinating around! Trust me it makes a huge difference.
Out of 10 gym sessions you might miss, if this method gets you to the gym on 6 occasions then that’s a win for me!
Go apply the 4 minute rule and let that progress add up for you!!