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by Olsen Fitness 14 March 2023
Here’s a super effective method to help you achieve more, whilst not having to rely on motivation when you’re really not feeling it!! You’ve had a hard day at work, a busy week, a stressful meeting, got stuck in traffic, whatever it may be, it’s made you think there’s nothing worse than heading to the gym right now. One of the biggest barriers to progress is procrastination, and justifying excuses around it. Trust me the majority of people feel this more often than you think!! Most people just let another day slip by and blame their lack of will power. Here’s how you can avoid that… Whenever you second guess something you were going to do, use the 4 minute rule.  Spend 4 minutes doing the do (I’ll explain in the next paragraph) and see how you feel from there. If you really don’t feel like it, you’ve given it a go and aim to get back on track asap. But here’s the magic, 9 times out of 10 you’ll start and probably get into it, more so you’ll probably feel really good about it afterwards. Here’s and example of doing the do… Getting Your Workouts Done - Spend 4 minutes getting your gym kit on, warming up, or getting in the car to go to the gym. Then decide if you’re going to continue or not. You can basically use this method on anything you’re putting off, avoiding or procrastinating around! Trust me it makes a huge difference. Out of 10 gym sessions you might miss, if this method gets you to the gym on 6 occasions then that’s a win for me! Go apply the 4 minute rule and let that progress add up for you!!
by Olsen Fitness 1 March 2023
Achieving results like this is an incredible feeling!! BUT…Having before/after pictures used online and social media at OlsenFitness is not a requirement as it is in so many other coaching and diet companies. At OlsenFitness the results are measured on way more than what clients body fat percentage is, although that’s obviously an important aspect. So many times I’ve had messages or conversations where someone has said “I’d love to join up but I just wouldn’t want before and after pictures put online” and that will never be the case at OlsenFitness. The photos I use are often from where clients say it’s fine to use them as we’re looking at old photos. However sometimes we don’t even do that! I encourage all clients to take photos at different stages, but always tell them that I don’t have to see them, that’s down to whether they’re comfortable for me to. On the flip side a lot of people do like using before and after pictures and if it’s cool with them I’ll 100% celebrate their achievements! 
by Olsen Fitness 22 February 2023
5 ways to avoid falling off track & to keep yourself progressing!! Have you ever experienced this cycle… You feel motivated so you start training and watching your diet. You give it a good go and get to the gym a few times a week for a few weeks. Something happens or a new focus comes along which upsets the routine and without knowing it you’re 3 weeks since you last trained or thought about your meals and you’re back to square one. Here’s 5 ways you can stop this cycle from swallowing you up…  Use a Saturday or a Sunday to have a weekly meeting with yourself - sit down and write out something as simple as, what went well, what didn’t go so well & what are you going to do differently this week to make things run smoother. Stick to a routine that works best for you and try not to compromise on that. Find working out in the morning is good for you because it’s done and out of the way, stopping you from deciding you’re too tired later on? Keep your workout to the morning! Give yourself every chance. Plan your meals in advance, you don’t necessarily have to food prep but having everything in you need and knowing what you’re cooking that night is so much more beneficial. This stops you popping into tesco on the way home when you’re starving and going overboard when you could eat your way through the aisles! Get the support of your family, partner or whoever you live with. Bonus points for getting them onboard with making these changes along side you. You’ll always work better as a team or with someone’s support. Have clear back up plans and rough rules. For example try to not miss sessions earlier on in the week if you’re struggling to fit them in. As the week goes on you’re only more likely to put them off. So always start the week off on the right foot! I hope this helps & would love to know which out of the 5 tips you struggle with or are going to add into your week!!
by Olsen Fitness 15 February 2023
You know the drill by now, you sign up to a coach, a diet, a gym, an app, you get a training plan and told how much you can eat. Guaranteed results right? Wrong. Imagine this, you get in the dream body shape over a few months, but there’s a catch…At the end of it your social life is terrible, you haven’t seen your friends and family for months. Your relationship isn’t quite how you’d want it either and so you feel a little isolated. You’ve followed the routine blindly and now at the end you’ve realised you don’t know how to keep the results you’ve achieved. You've trained hard and had the food you were told but you didn’t address any of the real issues that maybe got you to the point you wanted to get out of. Confidence still isn’t there, your relationship with food & training hasn’t changed and you’ve not addressed anything else like sleep, stress, lifestyle, limiting beliefs or knowledge. You’ve followed the training plan and didn’t enjoy it so you haven’t found enjoyment in your routine. My question to you is, "would it be worth having the “perfect body shape” if at the end you were unhappy, not confident, didn’t have a clear path ahead, didn’t know more than when you started & didn’t want to look at another salad or barbell again?" For most people the answer is a resounding no! I’ve avoided using this word for years but at OlsenFitness the approach is way more holistic than just a training plan & nutrition plan. The level of coaching I go into makes sure no stone is left unturned. Body shape isn’t just the only focus. Instead we look at making someone feel the best version of themselves across all three areas of health. Physical, Mental & Social. That’s why our community is a strong place to be. I make sure everyone inside the OlsenFitness community is working towards thriving in all three. I’ll always be in your corner looking to elevate you in all three areas. On top of that and sometimes even more powerful is that the community embodies that culture with everyone working towards that same goal.
by Olsen Fitness 31 January 2023
For the past year my slots for 1-1 personal training have been maxed out on a number of occasions and I’ve been determined to create something that can help everyone, not just those working 1-1 with me. So I developed the brand new & improved OlsenFitness 60 Day Challenge!! If you’re looking to lose weight/drop body fat, feel more confident, increase your energy levels & dramatically improve your fitness & strength, this is where you need to be putting your effort in over the coming weeks!! For less than the price of a cup of coffee per day, you could achieve the goals you’ve been wanting for some time. By becoming part of the 60 Day Challenge, you will receive… Initial Nutrition Plan Of Action Call Via Zoom Training Plans Throughout Ebook & Cheat Sheets Around Nutrition A Focus On Building Habits Needed To Achieve & Sustain Your Goals Weekly Check In System (So I Can Coach You More Effectively) Weekly Challenges Discount To Kick Start Your 2023 If you want to be part of the challenge don’t delay in dropping me a message below to get signed up. Spaces are limited, the first 20 sign ups will receive a discount on the booking!! 💪🏽 I look forward to guiding you along the way!!
by Olsen Fitness 17 January 2023
I’ve been lucky enough to be nominated for 9 different awards to this point for the level of coaching and results I provide. From local awards to being nominated at the UK wide award “The Great British Entrepreneur Awards” in Mayfair, London. All of which is still pretty mind blowing to me as that’s something I never set out to achieve.” This year will be my 10th year as a coach and business owner, running OlsenFitness!! I often get asked about what exactly I do, so here’s everything, some of which you may not have knew about me or OlsenFitness. I’ll also post a few more bits you may not know in the coming weeks… I work half of my time with Weightloss, Fitness & Health related clients. Helping clients become happy, healthy and confident whilst teaching them how to sustain their result I spend the other half of my time working with sports clientele from grassroots to international standard. I’m passionate about providing a high level of S&C (up to professional & Olympic standard) to people who don’t have that offered at their club and want to realise their full potential. I’ve been lucky enough to be nominated for 9 different awards to this point for the level of coaching and results I provide. From local awards to being nominated at the UK wide award “The Great British Entrepreneur Awards” in Mayfair, London. All of which is still pretty mind blowing to me as that’s something I never set out to achieve. I’ve worked with doctors, teachers, police & fire service, shop workers, actors, actresses, directors, office workers, MP’s, I feel incredibly lucky to have worked with so many great people!! I’m also lucky enough to have built up a great network in and around the UK of fitness professionals including physiotherapists who refer clients & athletes to me for strength and conditioning post rehab.  Sometimes it’s great to look back and reflect to make the future even bigger & better!! The next goal for me at OlsenFitness is to make OlsenFitness the leading community in South Wales for anyone wanting to improve their physical, mental & social health whilst achieving their physique goals!
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